アイウエア「TWO FACE」は、スッキリとした表情と、無骨な物質感によって引き出されるキャラクター、その二面性が特徴となるアイウエアです。正面は、フレームに使用しているメタルシートの小口を見せる線のデザイン。側面は、6mmあるフレームの幅を強調する面のデザイン。メタルシートの物質感を引き出すために“折る”“曲げる”などの表現を出来るだけ最小限におさえ、シンプルに設計しています。また、フレームと肢の関係を水平垂直にこだわることで必然的に生まれたレンズのカタチもこのプロダクトの特徴でもあります。
設計:TWO FACE design team
FRAME PRICE ¥52,800(w/tax)
Sleek and rugged eyewear
The eyewear TWO FACE is characterized by its duality: sleek look and rugged texture. The front features a linear design showing the joints of the metal sheet used for the frame. The sides have a flat design that emphasizes the 6-millimeter-wide frame. The design is simple, with as few folding and bending as possible, in order to highlight the texture of the metal sheet. The shape of the lenses is defined by the frame and limbs, which are perpendicularly jointed, providing another distinct feature.
Designed by TWO FACE design team

〈 into the field by YOSHIE.W 〉
RUG PRICE ¥682,000〜(w/tax)
MAT PRICE ¥33,000(w/tax)
〈 into the field by KIGI 〉
RUG PRICE ¥294,800〜(w/tax) size:1,400×2,000mm
CHAIR PAD PRICE ¥15,400〜(w/tax) size:360×420mm
Lay a field
Large rugs are individually woven by craftsmen using the hand hook technique, based on images drawn by KIGI. These products were produced in collaboration with SUMINOE, a long-established manufacturer of carpets and curtains.
〈 into the field by YOSHIE.W 〉
To express the ballpoint pen drawings by Yoshie Watanabe, the rugs are woven with hard twist wool yarns and other yarns with excellent coloration and movement. By using a mix of yarns, it reproduces the gradation and overlapping of colors of the original drawings. In addition, different weave directions and pile shapes are introduced for each motif, with glossy yarns used as an accent to create depth.
〈 into the field by KIGI 〉
Ryosuke Uehara and Yoshie Watanabe carefully selected yarns from the factory’s warehouse, which were then handcrafted by craftsmen. Six different patterns were woven to resemble the fields imagined by the duo, with particular attention paid to yarn thickness, color schemes and textures. The size can be customized according to the scene of use, such as living room floor, sofa, entrance, etc.

山口県 山陽小野田市のガラス造形作家たちによって誕生したガラスアートブランド・CLASS GLASSとKIGIのコラボレーションにより生み出されたプロダクトです。コンセプトは「光を浴びる たぶん影は時々嘘をつく」。プレート上の一輪挿しが、光をいっぱい浴びている花のように見えたところからDAYLIGHT(=昼光)と名付けました。一見、その花の影のように見えるプレートは、実際には異なる色をしています。ガラスの薄さ、色の組み合わせの美しさ、転がらないためにカットした接地面。KIGIのアイデアとCLASS GLASSの技術が生きたデザインです。それぞれが手作りの世界に一つしかない作品となっています。
PRICE ¥136,400(w/tax)
An object or a vase
This product is the result of a collaboration between KIGI and CLASS GLASS, a glass art brand launched by glass artists in Sanyo-Onoda City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Under the concept “Bathed in light, sometimes shadows can be deceiving,” the vase is named as DAYLIGHT because the single-flower vase on the plate looks like a flower bathed in light. At first glance, the plate appears to be the shadow of its flower, but it is actually a different color. With the thinness of the glass, the beauty of the color combination, the ground surface cut to prevent rolling, this design brings KIGI’s ideas and CLASS GLASS’ technique to life. Each is a one-of-a-kind, handmade work of art.

設計:Zu architects
〈 秒の時計 “共存” 〉
PRICE ¥108,900(w/tax)
〈 秒の時計 “高なる鼓動” 〉
PRICE ¥218,900(w/tax)
A clock to embrace the moment
As its name suggests, the “Seconds Clock” features the second hand, which swings and hides behind the mosaic glass. This wall clock was once sold by D-BROS and now has been revived with a new design.
Designed by Zu architects
〈 Seconds Tick Away “Coexistence” 〉
The 11 and 12 are in place on the clock face, but they share the number 1 (the first digit of 11 and the second digit of 12). The other numbers outgrew the space and disappeared. Only 11 and 12 managed to survive by sharing.
〈 Seconds Tick Away “Beating Heart” 〉
The once familiar pendulum clock is revived from a modern perspective. It is hard to keep your eyes off the swinging pendulum seen through the mosaic glass and the ticking second hand, perhaps because it gives you a similar feeling to watching the current social landscape.

OFS.TOKYOの店内で実際に使っている傘立てを商品化しました。ホームセンターなどで売っている塩ビパイプやベルトを使い、デザインのあり方を再確認しながら実験的に制作したプロダクトです。色の付いたパイプに傘を挿せば爆発するとかしないとか… 3、6、9本のサイズ展開があります。OFS.TOKYOの什器等を設計した伊東鷹介氏とのコラボ商品です。
LARGE PRICE ¥46,200(w/tax)
MEDIUM PRICE ¥37,400(w/tax)
SMALL PRICE ¥29,700(w/tax)
Ordinary umbrella stand
Originally used in the OFS.TOKYO, this umbrella stand is a result of an experimental approach with ordinary materials available at DIY centers, such as vinyl chloride pipes and belts, and a collaboration with Yosuke Ito, who designed the fixtures and other items for the store. Through the commercialization of the product, designers revisited the nature of design. Rumor has it that inserting an umbrella into a colored pipe triggers an explosion... Available in different sizes to hold 3, 6, or 9 umbrellas.